
The Review, the Editorial and the Wardrobe...

"Linus: Smash and grab job, huh?
Rusty: Slightly more complicated than that.
Linus: Well, yeah."
-Ocean's Eleven

"Now you told me that he called it "Ocean's Eleven". Now who decided that?"
-Frank Catton, Ocean's Twelve

Last I went to see Ocean's Twelve- and it did satisfy my taste for heist movies. The movie picks properly, and the plot is just as twisting as the first film. That said, the movie does have a few big flaws, mainly that it is heavily dependent on the first film, since the movie makes untold references to Ocean's Eleven. By untold, I mean literally the first half of the entire movie. Other than that, I give the movie 4 out of 5 stars, as part of a series, not as a stand-alone. Fun movie. However, if you choose to see it, make sure you see Ocean's Eleven on DVD at least within a day or so before seeing Ocean's Twelve. That should make it more effective to view.

On a unrelated note, I did see a article in the Oregonian today on gay marriage (I however, did not read it so, I will not qoute or misread it to you). This comes back to the same old problem with the issue, since most on the west side of Oregon (the state I live in when I'm not in a state of elation) seems to distort and not really get the opposition view (Or they're just blind I don't honestly know). The real issue behind gay marriage is activist judges. The ban on gay marriage is in response to that. When hear of people bringing the measure to court, I become disgusted. The measure was an act against courts and activist judges. Those same activist judges perform actions that always are akin to legislature. Such things are wrong and even more so, corrupting the justice sytem. The founding fathers never intended for the judicial system to become a second law making body. That power alone is in congress and state legislatures. I'm not against the concept of gay marriage, but I'm against the means by which it is being achieved. If a judge in Massachusetts can redefine the laws on marriage country-wide, something seriously has gone wrong.


Where be dat love?

"Hey, this is God Can I please have your attention
There's a need for intervention
Man, I'm disappointed in what I'm seeing
Yeah, this is God
You fight each other in my name
Treat life like it's a foolish game
I'd say you've got the wrong idea...

...Yeah, this is God I've given everything to you
But look at what you do to the world that I created
This is God
What's with this attitude and hate
You grow more ignorant with age
You had it made,
now look at all you've wasted..."
--"This is God", by Phil Vasser

Odd isn't it, how fanatics get really riled up, huh? This ain't about the qoute above, no it has to do with the utter intelligentsia of the liberal/progressive movement. Don't know what I mean? Well, now, just go and read some of the bias on the liberal Bush hate sites. Go ahead, I'll wait.
See how disturbing they are? The utter lack of reason behind them, is well, not as bad as it was when conservatives were bashing Clinton during his scandal. It is in fact, much, much worse. How can people harbor such venomous hate for a individual they've never met, let alone tried to comprehend?
The Liberal movement has a secular taint to it. It's bigger than that of the conservative, therefore making liberalism far more dangerous. Conservatives voted Bush back in for values, but it wasn't values like abortion or gay rights. No, it had to do with God. Our country was founded under the concept of there being a higher being who favored our side. Not a God of fanatical religion like some liberals hate, but a God of Reason. Look at the seal of the United States. Both sides of it. Both are on a dollar bill. The 'All-seeing eye' represents reason. They choose an eagle as a symbol, and used the number 13 a great deal. Why? It had nothing to do with 13 colonies. It had to do with the founders proclaiming a divine hand in the founding of the United States of America.
The liberal movement is at its core, a fragmented movement. Not all liberals are as whacko as the base of the movement. However, the idea of the movement is wrong. It promotes charity through the government. Thats wrong and communistic. On the other hand, maybe I think their whack because they're primarily behind the destruction of american culture. Or, I could call those unadulturated whacks against conservatives by calling them 'stupidheads' evidence enough.
These people are losing, and their voices happen to carry really far. Somebody, please unplug their computers so I don't have to listen anymore.

"What concerns me is not the way things are, but rather the way people think things are."


I've Got SDS (Sick Days Suck)

"The air here smells like a grave"
"I'm not normally a religious man. But if you're up there, save me, Superman!"
--Homer Simpson

I hate being sick. I don't like the end of the term at College. For me, both have happened at the same time. Just dandy isn't it? Anyway, I'm happy with the way my finals have been going, but no matter how much I try, I can't seem to stop sneezing, coughing, or such like. Ah well.
Today I got a letter from a friend of mine. Stuff like that keeps me happy. And happiness is a good thing. Doubt it? Ask the Ukrainians about that one, bub.

"O'Neill: Well, I suppose now is the time for me to say something profound... Nothing comes to mind."
--Stargate SG-1, Season 2


Behold the Wrath of the Plague

Little Beebles are Intriguing to me...

"There are some things that are so serious you have to laugh at them."
--Niels Bohr
"Nothing unreal exists."
--Vulcan Thinker Kiri-kin-tha, 1st Law of Vulcan Metaphysics

Another Turkey day, another piece of poultry. My thanksgiving went without hitch, and god bless turkey day, because enough leftovers from it will keep me fed for a week or so.
Anyway, my inner eye twists itself to see what the good people at Wizards of the Coast (WotC to the initiated) have come up with for Magic: the Gathering (M:TG, again for the initiated). The latest set they have, which I simply am infatiuated with, is called Unhinged. The set could be called an update to Unglued, but hey- only the supremely initiated give a damn about that.
Unhinged clearly demostrates one of the reasons I like Magic, creativity. The game is designed specifically to encourage creativity from all its players, and designers. For instance, R&D at Wizards has recently stopping all the loopholes in one section of the game from being abused too much: we call it "Blue". Blue cards are supposed to represent knowledge and so forth; if you want to learn more, read about the different colors of Magic @ wizards.com/magic/playbig.asp
Anyway, I've been thinking about getting some Unhinged cards, since my sick sense of magic is playing not to win, but to create as much chaos as I possibly can. Odd eh?
The majority of this saturday for me is waiting until six, so I can see Enterprise. You see, ever since the local cable provider here in Pendleton decided to not have UPN as a channel, I've been a little PO'd. Instead we get Fox twice. I like Fox and all (especially that new show, House) but I need my Star Trek fix. So, I tune to Fox every Saturday at six, and watch. I've also got to see that DVD I rented from the Library at the College, the Seven Samurai. I've heard its good. Well, I'm about to see. Thats what I'm up to so far today...


Pitch hittin'- Once again

"Many a man digs his grave with his teeth."
--Puritan Proverb

Ahh. If you don't know it already, I'm a conservative (a neo- at that). I'm one of those people who ardently support our president. Why?
One reason comes to mind, and that would be the classic, http://www.sorryeverbody.com, a site which apologizes for Bush being re-elected. Not a bad idea, if Bush was bad.
I'm sorry, but whenever I hear the liberal mantra "Bush evil, Bush evil", I think they need to grow up. Honestly. Support him. Why? Because he's your president too! Remember FDR? Don't? Well look him up. He's quite edu-macational.

He and Bush have parallels, NOT Bush and Hitler. Such thinking is nonsense; why would you think his goal is to destroy america?
Secondly, the world needs to thank and apologize to US. We've been saving their collective butts for over the last half-century. We aren't out for conquest, but you know what?
A group of Islamofacsists seeks to behead us and kill us all because we allow hippies like you crazy Micheal Moores and Sean Penns to exist. We didn't behead anybody, now did we?
Perhaps I should mention why I dislike the Blue minority in the United States. Any intelligentsia who tries to discriminate based on Faith, or political views needs to try something: rethink those views. Don't be a damned skeptic. Or believer. That path leads to darkness (See Star Wars, Dune, the History of Western Civilization).
Its us versus them, and the them is on the run. Don't let those guys get away with wiping out nations and our CULTURE by trying to play nice. It just don't work.

"Act and you shall have dinner. Think and you shall be dinner."
--Klingon Proverb

Normalcy...Such a oxymoron

Well, another day has gone by. The computer I'm using is the at the college's Library, and it sucks. Apparently, Public Computers equals screw the the users. Not to be mean, but honestly, if your going to be using a computer, at least learn how to use the internet properly. The explorer on this computer just sucks; soooo much spyware. When I tried to check my email at hotmail, the thing nearly exploded with pop-ups.
Like the eighth layer of hell.
Anyway, I'm sitting here, typing this with a blustery November day; nice and mean dark clouds are outside. Here in a few minutes I need to go get my ride home from my sister Rebecca.
Today I went to a place here in Pendleton called "Mongolian BBQ". It quite good. You fill your bowl with what you want to eat, they cook it, and you eat it. And man, do you get alot of food for five or six bucks (I love saving money). My little dish was great, with Chicken, Broccoli, Noodles and some wonderful Soy sauce. Soy Sauce is very very delicious.
My little addiction to Soy sauce (isn't it obvious?) start about a year and half ago, when I was working for Northwest Youth Corps in Idaho. Trying to reduce dehydration, the crew tried Soy Sauce salty goodness as a solution. Of course, we had no clue if it would work, so naturally a addiction occured. We ran out of Soy Sauce faster than any other crew.
Which leads me to my new oddity, something called "tagged". An old crewmate of mine, the founder of Lemonism Marc Lemons, emailed me to try (I think it was automatic) give him "props" as you kids might say these days. Weird site.
Well, I'll see ya' later with more of my continuing misadventure.
Josh, Demon Prince of Undeath, or Just Plain Weird if you live on a planet that ends in "h".

Hmm. I just woke up awakened.

Mucho hola and some other fancy foreign language.
Hi, itsa me, Josh.
Just thought I'd start somewhere for this blog. Right?

"When a man in the beginning of his life is ignorant of everything, he has no scruples, finds no obstacles, no inhibitions. But after a while he starts to learn, and becomes timid, cautious, and begins to feel something choking in his mind, which prevents him from going ahead as he used to before he had any learning. Learning is needed, but the point is not to become its slave. You must be its master, so that you can use it when you want it."
--Yagyu Munemori (1571-1646) (as interpreted by D. T. Suzuki)